Laser pointers at protest rallies There have been several comments about laser pointers, mostly green, at various big protests in Brazil and Egypt. Most don't know that these are considered weapons and if used with coordination can blind a target permanently. Most pointers come with a warning about shining them in someone's eyes. Laser blinder weapons have been banned by the UN, an Australian company invented them and that triggered the international blind societies to push for a ban in the 1980's.
Now the crowds in the streets have adopted the technology. Its cheap, unregulated and with a little drill it can send a riot squad into retreat. Tanks are not immune they have pariscopes so the lasers can bounce through them.
This forces the governments opposing the protesters to fear even looking at the crowd. There is protective technology but its expensive and rare in the third world. If, as I suspect, the crowd learns the power of this weapon thee will be many more blind sheikhs. It will even up the odds however if groups like the Muslim brotherhood confiscates them and uses them a lot of freedom loving people in the middle east count spend the rest of their lives blind.
These are frightening weapons. You can be blinded for the rest of your life because somebody has a weapon like this, and uses it against you, then you are at risk. Unless the sniper is in a building, and unless he moves from window to window, he is more obviously a target than someone in a crowd, especially when the crowd is moving around. It is a question of visibility. It is a question of becoming a target. The risks are asymmetrical.
Around the world, governments are on the defensive. Technology that seems to make them more powerful is offset by other technologies, which are price competitive and which are spreading into the general population.
This video indicates just how fast this technology is spreading. This chopper is illuminated by hundreds of these lasers.