發表於 2013-6-24 18:05:18
回應 momomo1997 #1 的帖子
是借這歷史, 天馬行空的中式寓言故事吧?!!
以Leland Stanford的身分, 份量之重, Harvard 主席當知來者.
"The children of California shall be our children." 才是Leland Stanford的主要願望.
Stanford was founded by Leland Stanford, a railroad magnate, United States Senator, and former California governor, and his wife, Jane Stanford. It is named in honor of their only child, Leland Stanford, Jr., who died in 1884 just before his 16th birthday. His parents decided to dedicate a university to their only son, and Leland Stanford told his wife, "The children of California shall be our children." The Stanfords visited Harvard's president, Charles Eliot, and asked how much it would cost to duplicate Harvard in California. Eliot replied that he supposed $15 million (in 1884 dollars) would be enough. |