荷蘭合作銀行(Rabobank)的印度尼西亞事業吸引許多買家,凸顯外國銀行對收購該區銀行興趣濃厚。 包括澳洲聯邦銀行 Commonwealth Bank of Australia、中國工商銀行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 和 卡達國家銀行(QNB)等至少3家銀行,預料將參加該事業的第1輪競標,交易金額可能達4億美元。
美國奇異集團(GE)正在出售泰國第5大銀行 - 大城銀行 Bank of Ayudhya 剩餘的25.3%股權,可能吸引買家併購大城銀行所有股權;大城銀行的價值為66億美元
Of course la, as Asian banks can now provide fundings and profits that US banks and European banks cannot. Besides, every analyst will tell you that Asian market is the most important market to foreign companies. So, if these companies still want to provide a good results to their shareholders, acquiring Asian companies is a quick solution.