這套名為Active Lane Keeping Assist的主動式車道行進輔助系統,有別於以往僅在車輛跨越車道時提供警訊並且對方向盤(或煞車系統)進行介入,以避免車輛在非故意的情況下跨越其它車道而產生危險。不過新世代S-Class才不因這樣的功能而滿足,藉由雷達、攝影機等各種感測器的協助,還能夠判別車輛在跨越車道時是不是會有撞擊對向或同向來車的可能,甚至是撞擊固定的障礙物的機會,一旦發現有危險的可能便會以震動方向盤並且同時控制煞車,讓車輛能夠在第一時間進行迴避。
this car is getting better and better, those tech stuffs r great, like the highbeam one and other safety stuffs r all nice, much safer, i wish they r all on the standard list instead of optional lol
BUT, i miss the days when our cars are much simpler and most of the drivers being nice on the road